Meaningful Posts & Content

You are caught up (as of last Monday) if you have:

  • Established your WordPress website. If you have not yet done so, please click on the blue link to sign up for an account. Remember that online security is important and you need to choose your website name and address carefully. Once you have an account, take a few minutes to explore the control panel. 
  • Looked at the various ‘themes’ that are available. Themes determine what your website will look like and it is important to find your website attractive and usable. More than anything, find a theme that works for you! Pay attention to what you like and what you don’t like.
  • Explored the ‘posts’ function. Creating a post is a very simple process. Simply click ‘new post’ and you will see how easy it is to create fresh content. If you need help, seek it from your peers in the room. All of us are at different stages within this process.


Assignment For Monday – April 20th, 2015: How To Create Meaningful Content

Now that you have a basic website structure it is time to begin filling your site with meaningful posts and content. Please spend time going through the list of post topics below and create meaningful articles in response to the ideas and prompts below. Create a “post” for each of the four prompts below. Put the titles in the title section and begin filling the post form with meaningful content and responses.

NOTE: Keep in mind that we expect these prompts to be detailed and deep. These are not simple short-answer responses. We want you to really explore these concepts and share the depth of your opinions in relation to the prompts. They are all very important topics.

Post Requirements:

  • Must be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Must include text using complete sentences and thoughts.
  • Must include graphics and links.

Post & Prompt Archive:

  1. Food & Diet: Human beings will die within a matter of weeks if we do not meet our basic food and nutrition requirements. Write a post describing and exploring your ideal diet. What foods make you feel healthy and active? What is your ideal grocery list? What are your favorite deserts and treats? What are your feelings, opinions and personal policies that guide your eating choices?
  2. Dream House & Community: We all dream and we all daydream. When you think about your ideal future, where do you see yourself living? Please take into consideration realistic expectations while allowing yourself to shoot for the stars. Do you live in the city? Country? Do you drive? Do you work? If you work, do you work from home? What kind of kitchen do you have? How many bedrooms? Are you single and living by yourself or do you have a partner and several children running around? Please describe the setting that will bring you happiness.
  3. 10-Item-Armageddon: Let’s say that sh*t finally hits the fan and we are in trouble. Your best and most trusted friend(s) pull up to your house in a vehicle equipped to take on the world and they tell you that they have one seat left. The problem is that  you only have three minutes to run into your house and fill your backpack with items you can easily carry. If this situation was real, what ten items that you actually presently own, would you take with you? As you build this list, take into consideration things you will wish you had with you and the emotions you’d feel knowing that your entire life could fit into a backpack.
  4. A Day In The Life Of A 25-Year-Old You: Create a post that follows a possible future version of yourself from waking up in the morning until you go to sleep at night. You can do this in narrative form, create a schedule that follows specific times or find another way of telling this story creatively using WordPress and technology.